5 Popups You Absolutely Need To Have On Your Website!

Have you considered using popups, but aren’t sure where to start? Here are five types of popups you need to add to your website to get the best results.

Most people think that popups are “one size fits all,” but that’s not always the case. They can be used to target specific needs and can be tweaked to ensure that you are getting the best response from your users.

Popups can help:

  • Grow your email list
  • Prevent cart/checkout abandonment
  • Inform your users of the newest sale
  • Deliver unique offers
  • And more!

Different popup layouts, locations, and styles should be used to match the customer’s journey to maximize conversions. On top of that, you need analytics to see how well each of your popups is doing to learn what can be improved for your next campaign.

Here are the 5 popups that you absolutely need to implement on your website:

1. Checkout Abandonment Notification

A HUGE problem companies have while trying to sell a product is checkout/cart abandonment. A user can make it all the way to the checkout page, only to get cold feet and back out last minute.

A popup can help encourage your users to move forward with the checkout process during their moment of doubt. If a user tries to leave the page, you can set up a popup with information that is targeted toward helping them complete the sale.

Pro tip: We (HollerBox) implement this on our checkout page.

One main example of this is to offer a discount code. If a user doesn’t complete the sale, the popup can offer 10-15% off the purchase.

Where to display:

  • Checkout page
  • Cart page

When to trigger:

  • On page exit intent
  • After 5 seconds of inactivity

2. List-Building Slide-In

Have lots of readers visiting your blog daily but your email list isn’t growing? You need to have a slide in to prompt readers to subscribe to your email list.

We don’t want to get in the way of readers actually reading the blog, so you’ll want to disable any scroll prevention or overlay so that the popup doesn’t block the whole screen.

If you have any promise-benerfits, like special offers for subscribers, list them in the content!

Where to display:

  • All Blog Posts
  • Hide after close/convert

When to trigger:

  • After 50% Scroll
  • After 5 seconds of inactivity

3. Promotional Banner

Have a big sale coming up but not sure how to get all your users excited for it? You can try a promotional banner!

You can do this in two ways. Firstly, you can create a banner that tells your users about a sale that is happening right now (or in the future) and have it take them to the a landing page or post with the details.

Or, you can also grow your email list at the same time and have users subscribe to receive details about the deal via email, and receive notifactions for the deal in the near future.

Pro tip: Use popup scheduling to schedule the popup for the exact dates of your promotion!

Where to display:

  • Entire site
  • Within date range (optional)

When to trigger:

  • On page load

4. Exit-Intent popup

Site creators want to maximize time on page and visitor engagement at every opportunity. One way we can do that is by interrupting their intention to leave a web page with an exit-intent popup.

These popups are flashy attention grabbers that might make a visitor rethink their decision to go elsewhere.

You can use the opportunity to offer the visitor a promotion, or send them on an alternative customer journey.

Some good examples of an exit-intent call-to-action might be:

  • “Not ready to commit? Try a 14-day trial!”
  • “Before you go, 15% off all merch!”

Where to display:

Pages that are part of your customer journey or any signup page

  • Product pages
  • Pricing page
  • Checkout page (sometimes)
  • Etc…

When to trigger:

  • On exit-intent

5. First-Time Visitor Incentive Popup

Start off your relationship with first-time visitors on the right foot! You can use a popup to greet new visitors with offers or content specifically for them.

The call to action of this popup should be to set them on the customer journey that best benefits new visitors.

  • Free shipping discount
  • Cart value discount
  • Provide a lead magnet
  • Start a trial
  • Answer frequently asked questions
  • Send to a “start here” post
  • Etc…

From that initial call-to-action, the visitor should have clear steps on how to continue their customer journey.

Pro tip: Avoid opt-ins or high commitment call-to-actions, and keep the barrier to entry very low.

Where to display:

Display on the entire site except for

  • Checkout
  • Pricing
  • Cart
  • Sign up pages

We don’t want to distract the visitor from spending money or taking some other conversion action.

When to trigger:

  • On page load after 3-5 seconds
  • After 50% scroll.

Where to start?

HollerBox will allow you to design and deploy effective popups in minutes. It’s the best choice for agencies, small businesses, eCommerce stores, freelancers, and more!

You can create banners, notifications, chats, callouts, and more while getting real-time analytics for views and conversion rates.

To get started with HollerBox today you can check out our pricing page.

Ready to get more leads and sales?

Use Hollerbox to design and deploy popups faster.

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